it's true! This summer we say goodbye to our little hidden gem in downtown Naples! SassyCakes has a new home!

  This is a bittersweet moment, but we are soooo looking forward to what is to come!​   After over 12 years at our beautiful downtown location, it’s time to bid a farewell!!  We love our little store so much and will miss it dearly, but we have grown so much, we are busting at the seams here! It’s a great problem to have and we are so blessed to have so much love and support from our Clients, old & new!

As we begin a new chapter in SassyCake history, we ask for your patience and understanding! We know some of our clients are so excited for us to move to North Naples!- which is the feedback I needed while making this decision! & to my downtown families, we are offering free delivery to our loyal patrons, so have no worries! We aren’t moving too far!


our new address will be:

1030 COLLIER CENTER WAY #5, Naples FL, 34110

Our last day for orders will be July 3rd. Then we begin the packing and moving process! 

This exciting move will unfortunately prevent us from taking order until we are up and running in the new space!  & At this time, I do not have an exact date- but will be keeping everyone updated everyday on Instagram and Facebook– so be sure your following us!!! I am hoping for end of August!

I will be next to my phone and email all summer, so do not hesitate to reach out with questions or orders for  the fall!

Our new kitchen will be much bigger, allowing us to take more order each week!! which is sooo huge for us! In the past we have filled up so quickly due to lack of space. So we are building a larger team & organizing a larger kitchen- because we are soooo ready for season to kick our butts 😉 

I just wanted to thank everyone again, for the constant love and support over the years and allowing me to live my dream each day! I am so blessed and proud to see SassyCakes grow and become a staple at your family’s birthdays and events. It makes my heart so happy! 

see you at the new space! 

 xoxo, Jazmine 


Picture of Jazmine Cuccuini

Jazmine Cuccuini

the Owner & head pastry chef of SassyCakes bakery! Driven with a passion for all things cake, business & so much more!

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